Thursday, January 15, 2009

Security Freeze and Child Financial Identity Theft

A measure to consider for your minor children is to order copies of their credit reports from the 3 Bureaus to see if there is anything there, and there should not be, and consider placing a Security Freeze on their behalf.

A Security Freeze can do a great deal to protect your Child from Financial Identity Theft with little impact on them as they won't need credit until they are at least 18 years old.

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott advice about Security Freezes

This article from the Identity Theft Resource Center makes two excellent points that should not be overlooked if your child has an Identity Theft issue:
  1. Point out that the child is a minor and that by law is not permitted to enter into a contract.
  2. Do you need an attorney? That depends on the offender or person who is using the information. If the offender is a parent or relative or if this is a case that could be tied into a custody or divorce issue, it may be necessary to involve a family law attorney. This is especially true in joint custody cases. If you have joint custody of the child, timing is critical. If you fear that the offending parent might run off with the child, seek the advice of your attorney as to timing, legal actions that might assist you in protecting the safety of the child or the need to involve child protective services.

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